E2 Screen Recorder_V3
1. Add a Recording Timer
(Recording Timer)
A timer has been added that displays the current recording duration.
- The elapsed time since the start of recording is displayed in 'minutes:seconds' format in the UI.
- This timer has been added in the UI under Recording Status (`recording_timer').
2 . Play a sound when starting and stopping recording
- Added a 'playSound' function that plays a sound when you start and stop recording.
- This feature helps the user know when recording starts and stops without having to look at the screen.
3 . Improvements to FFmpeg commands
- The FFmpeg commands used for recording have been optimized, with `-framerate' explicitly added to adjust the frame rate more accurately.
- 'g' (Group of Pictures) has been added to adjust the interval between keyframes based on the selected frame rate.
4 . Added a function to stop recording from the Extras menu
- A new function called 'StopRecordingFromPlugin' has been added that allows the user to stop recording directly from the Plugins menu without having to open the main recording interface.
- A new description has been added in the Plugins menu called 'Stop Recording' with a special icon.
To execute this function.
5 . Improvements in managing the recording process
- Added improvements in recording management, such as stopping the timer when stopping recording and resetting the elapsed time.
- Confirmation messages have been added when recording is successfully stopped or if errors occur.
6 . User Interface Improvements
- Minor UI improvements have been added, such as showing the elapsed time while recording and adding clearer explanatory messages.
7 . Added more flexibility in managing recordings
- Added more flexibility in recording management, such as the ability to stop recording from outside the main interface, providing the user with more options to control the recording process.
command to install
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emilnabil/download-plugins/refs/heads/main/screenrecorder/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh