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 Настройка FTP соединения при помощи Total Commander

Все операции со своим ресивером вы совершаете на свой страх и риск и никто кроме вас не несет ответственность за работоспособность вашего ресивера.
1. Скачиваем и устанавливаем программу Total Commander.

2. Подключаем ресивер к сетке.

3. Настраиваем сеть на ресивере.

4. Запускаем Total Commander, далее заходим в меню «FTP», выбираем «Соединиться с FTP-сервером».

5. Далее нажимаем на кнопку «Добавить».

6. «Имя соединения» указываем любое, например «Skyway», «Сервер» указываем тот ip-адрес который присвоен в ресивере ранее в пункте 3., «Учетная запись» записываем «root», все остальное оставляем без изменений. Нажимаем на кнопку «OK».

7. В списке «Соединиться с:» появляется наше только что добавленное соединение. Выбираем его что бы оно подсветилось синим цветов, нажимаем кнопку «Соединиться».

8. На запрос пароля нажимаем ОК оставляя пустое окно.

9. Программа соединяется с ресивером и мы попадаем в него по FTP, для того что бы перейти в корневой каталог сразу после соединения надо подняться выше нажав на три точки со стрелкой чуть выше папки bin. Вот так выглядит корневой каталог.

*ВНИМАНИЕ! операции по FTP при не правильных действиях могут привести к неисправности ресивера.
« Последнее редактирование: 19 Март 2017, 14:09:04 от Gorra »


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DCC 2.96ru Dreambox Control Center

DCC программа для работы и настройки ресиверов на базе открытого ПО Linux OS (Enigma2).
Подходит для множества ресиверов с открытым ПО (к примеру GI-S8120, Amiko SHD-8900 Alien, Openbox: S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 и другие).

Утилита Dreambox Control Center открывает доступ к устройству по Telnet и FTP протоколу, и предоставляет возможность доступа к редактированию файлов внутри системы ресивера и много чего другого.

Краткое руководство к программе DCC

1. Скачиваем dcc 2.96 ru.
2 Извлекаем и запускаем.
3. Если у вас все соединено, тогда ищем IP ресивера для подключения.
4. Далее подключаемся и жмем соединить.

Важно имя и пароль по умолчанию root.

Все полоски зеленые жмем FTP и редактируем нужные файлы.


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Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 3

09.11.17 Fixed: Help file: Removed redundant references to history.txt from "what's new" section (32/64)
09.11.17 Fixed: Do not clear selection after right clicking on F8 button or drive buttons (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Re-apply view modes to current panels for commands cm_Exchange and cm_ExchangeWithTabs (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Icons on tabs were lost after cm_ExchangeWithTabs command (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Division by zero error when printing RTF file in Lister (64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: Window position not loaded correctly on third screen with this arrangement: 1:125%, 2:100%, 3:125%, because 1 and 3 have the same scale factor (32/64)
07.11.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows in F7 now works again as in TC 9.0a (no stop at dots, but stops at some braces) (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Clicking in the 'Show' section (not on a button) only refreshed the results in the 32-bit version (64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not call SetFileAttributes after renaming when user has set option SetArchiveBitOnRename=0. Also ignore all errors in SetFileAttributes (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Don't react to Ctrl+F3 hotkey on lines with directories (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: 64-bit: Prevent plugins writting in Lazarus from crashing by changing the name for GetProp/SetProp to store control data from 'WinControl' to 'WinControlTC'. Changed plugin interface version reported by ListSetDefaultParams to 2.11 (64)


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DCC-E2 v2.40 (12.05.2019)


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Настройка FTP соединения при помощи Total Commander и DCC
« Ответ #4 : 25 Сентябрь 2019, 23:43:44 »
Total Commander 9.22а final

29.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22a final (32/64)
29.03.19 Fixed: Difficult to reproduce crash in F7 new folder inside ZIP archives (timing problem with removing progress dialog) (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with starting and/or trailing slash, e.g. /dir1/dir2/dir3/ (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: ensure that the dialog isn't displayed outside of the current screen (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with trailing forward slash, e.g. c:\test\test.zip/dir1/dir2/ (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Viewing LZMA-compressed files in ZIP sometimes failed with an unpack error (64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q, click on active tab header of current tab above the quick view panel -> Tab no longer switched sides (32/64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Duplicating a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed could leave it with an empty name if it caused an additional line of tabs to appear (32/64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Couldn't open 7z archives with Unicode characters from different codepage (e.g. Chinese on English Windows) (64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Leaving branch view inside archive with Ctrl+B no longer went to the directory of the file under the cursor (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Internal associations: **ext only worked for packer plugins, not for internal unpackers like **zip. Now also supports **internal_zip to override external packers (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Opening xlsx files associated with Office 365 app (Windows 10) failed, they opened as ZIP files instead (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: In the following dialogs, ENTER confirmed the dialog also on other buttons like Cancel: password input, pack/unpack, other general input dialogs (64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Packing/unpacking with ace32.exe 2.6 didn't work - it expects ";" as delimiter in list file instead of line break (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack archives with ":" in them after the second character in them with F5 using external unpackers (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack ace archives with absolute paths or ..\ in them with external ace32.exe or winace.exe via Alt+F9 (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Width of drive dropdown combobox (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) wrong when using screens with different DPI (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Icons in file lists displayed incorrectly when moving main window to a screen with different DPI (64)

Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.


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Total Commander 9.50 beta 4

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    06.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 4
    06.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Draw focused directory with dark text on white background (32/64)
    06.11.19 Fixed: cm_gotofirstentry and cm_gotofirstfile didn't update inactive cursor position (with SelectionFocus!=0) when Total Commander didn't have the focus (32/64)
    06.11.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty dirs were sometimes not shown when there was a hidden directory elsewhere in the compared directories (32/64)
    06.11.19 Fixed: The dialogs of some plugins (e.g. SFTP: Properties) had garbled text in the title bar (reason: subclassing of dialog box class to intercept Ctrl+C from MessageBox) (32/64)
    05.11.19 Added: Find files: "F2 search in found files" now also searches in previously found folders (32/64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Right click context menu on file in archive didn't support verbs from multiple internal associations (32/64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Corrected look of sorting headers with themes disabled (64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons F3, F4 etc. looked different with flat buttons disabled and highlight color changed (32)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, File lists: thumb box was too high with classic theme when there were a lot of items in the list (32/64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: FTP direct server to server transfers (FxP): Copying the timestamp could fail because it was sent to the wrong server (32/64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Added: Allow to check both "Show square brackets [] around directories" and "Append \" if the second one is checked first (DirBrackets=3 in wincmd.ini) (32/64)
    05.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Couldn't go back to previous searches when the search parameters were invalid, e.g. the start path didn't exist (32/64)
    04.11.19 Added: When adding new colors by file type, set the color for the other mode (dark/normal) too. Can be changed afterwards via Dark<>Normal button (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Draw breadcrumb bar dropdown list with thin 1 pixel border (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): use plain text connection via PROT C if the user has defined it in "Send commands" for the connection (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Internal command LOADSELECTION now looks for list file in active panel if no path is specified (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options: Set current directory to left path when opening configuration dialog (also in associate, internal associations, multi-rename, compare by content, user menu), for various file open dialogs (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Apply settings with VerifyEnabled=0 -> Option "Use Explorer delete" disappeared (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Alt+Tab during drag&drop no longer worked, the drag operation was aborted (32/64)
    04.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister main menu didn't switch from dark to normal mode after cm_SwitchDarkmode and activating lister (32/64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed panel border also when there are no tabs (32/64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Folder tabs: Only use highlight color for active tab borders, not for inactive tab borders (32/64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Printing: Catch error "Access denied" (64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Lister: "Define view method by file type" took precedence over command line paramter /S=L:Pplugin (32/64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Right click on button bar shown as menu no longer opened the button context menu (32/64)
    03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: 2 buttons in "Change attributes" were not translated, as well as the buttons F3 and F4 in "Find files" (64)
    01.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar had wrong width for items in the upper list if there were too few items in the bar (32)
    01.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Uncheck option "F2 search in search results" when user clicks on "New search" (32/64)
    01.11.19 Added: FTP, Shift+F5 copy file within server: Support options "Copy via local PC" and "Preserve file dates" (32/64)
    01.11.19 Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): Couldn't copy files between FTPS servers if they didn't support SSCN -> use plain text connection via PROT C (32/64)
    01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Drive combobox had white background after connecting to FTP server (64)
    01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister buttons in search and settings were not themed when Lister was started as a separate process via Totalcmd.exe /S=L <filename> (32)
    01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Crash when opening sub-menu in the main menu and not choosing any command (64)

Windows 98 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit!


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Total Commander 10.00 beta 4

Спойлер   :
01.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 4
01.04.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color dialog could hang when using some fonts when the preview box was too small (32/64)
01.04.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, click on "1x" button: "Define" button wasn't translated in dark mode (64)
01.04.21 Fixed: Opening a directory in an already running Total Commander via parameter /O was much slower than in previous versions (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: When cursor is in bottom 2 line compare list, show the line number as selected in both the bottom list and previously active list (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: Scroll main lists with cursor up/down also when focus is in bottom 2 line compare list (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: Ctrl+Tab now returns from the bottom 2 line compare list to the last active (left or right) compare list (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Find files, find text: If "RegEx (2)" is checked, accept empty text, and search as .* (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Find files, plugins tab: Couldn't save custom operators in search when using the new flag contflags_fieldsearch, e.g. for field tc->"partner file with other extension" (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: The new internal field tc->"partner file with other extension" now also accepts *.ext or .ext in addition to just "ext" (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Installer didn't work when trying to install to a FAT-formatted target, e.g. a USB flash drive (32/64)
30.03.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Use easier to understand texts in new dialog opened from button [1x] (32/64)
30.03.21 Added: Find files: wincmd.ini [Configuration] WarnSearchText=1: 1=warn if search text cannot be converted to ANSI/ASCII, 0=no warning, -1=disable affected modes (like ANSI) and search with e.g. Unicode if it was checked, 2=combination of 1 and -1 (32/64)
30.03.21 Added: Find files: Warn user when he enters a text in "Find text" which cannot be converted to ANSI and/or ASCII (if cheched) (32/64)
30.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player to any text mode still didn't repaint the background on some systems (32/64)
29.03.21 Fixed: Lister: When "Define view mode by file type" was set to 4i followed by a plugin (e.g. 4i,mmedia.wlx), switching from the plugin back to the internal viewer didn't work (32/64)
29.03.21 Fixed: On Windows 7, thumbnails were not drawn correctly in dark mode, they were displaced sideways (64)
29.03.21 Fixed: When drawing thumbnails, consider that on Windows 10 1709 (Fall 2017) and older Windows versions, the maximum item height in a listbox is limited to 255 pixels (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Lister, html viewer: Do not show text within "style" tag, even when inside <body>, it contains style sheet data (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Lister, html viewer: Support tag &zwnj; (Unicode 200C), Zero-width non-joiner, and the left to right and right to left marks &lrm; and &rlm; (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Show Zone.Identifier stream data in Ctrl+L and custom columns even when the user set WantZoneData=0 (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Lister: changing "Define view method by file type" option via Configuration - Options - Edit/View - "Configure internal viewer" wasn't applied until the program was restarted (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Still no entry for .txt files in Context menu-New submenu on Windows 10 21337 (developer preview), because the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfilelegacy was missing a (default) value = description (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Lister: New media player couldn't play tracks with name longer than 259 characters, need use prefix \\?\ or \\?\UNC\ (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Allow to save custom fields like tc.comments with value containing line breaks (added via >> button) (32/64)
26.03.21 Added: New internal command OPENATTRIBUTES now also supports parameter +L or +L2 to load parameters from file under cursor in active/inactive panel (32/64)

Спойлер   :
32-bit (Windows 95 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)

64-bit (Windows XP,Vista, 7 - 10, ONLY 64-bit!)

32+64-bit (Combined installer Windows 95 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)


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Total Commander 10.00 candidate 3

Спойлер   :
03.06.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 3
03.06.21 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: If the current language uses UTF-8 encoding, check whether the description in file the plugins.inf is UTF-8 too - otherwise use current codepage (CP1250 for Romanian, hard coded) (32/64)
03.06.21 Fixed: Main form: Left and right listbox didn't have a name (for visually impaired), use LEFT: and RIGHT: (32/64)
02.06.21 Fixed: Creating a directory in a ZIP archive with F7 didn't place the cursor on the directory, because multiple directories can be created via dir1|dir2|dir3 -> place cursor on last one (32/64)
01.06.21 Fixed: Thumbnails: Don't use new method "Internal thumbnails from images" for jpg images without thumbnail in metadata, except when all other methods fail (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops: When switching from "aligned (with Tab)" to "directly after filename", remember last tab position of file extension (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, external compare tool set via Comparetool=program: Using shift to open internal compare tool only worked with Ctrl+F3, not with double click or context menu (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: cm_SwitchX64Redirection menu item was enabled even when doing nothing, e.g. on 32-bit Windows or in the 64-bit version (32/64)

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Излишняя скромность - кратчайший путь в неизвестность !


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Total Commander 11.00 + ключ (на русском)


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Настройка FTP соединения при помощи Total Commander и DCC
« Ответ #10 : 02 Сентябрь 2023, 15:56:48 »
Total Commander 11.01 Final с ключом

Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
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Total Commander
« Ответ #11 : 20 Декабрь 2024, 23:44:55 »
Download version 11.03 of Total Commander
(fully functional Shareware version, 5MB EXE file)
Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.
Излишняя скромность - кратчайший путь в неизвестность !