1.0.931) Fixed saving the menu item "New broadcasts" in the provider's card for displaying new channels in the form of a bouquet when using sort-override templates.
2) For the channels of the "New broadcasts" bouquet, when using the sort-override templates, an EPG is now generated like for any other groups. Channels picon are also downloaded.
3) Fixed the configuration menu item to set the storage path of picons other than the default one for images without the PIL library
4) Significantly simplifies and reorganized provider card menu items. Removed all little-used or incomprehensible items for the user. Each item has a clear description in the helpline at the bottom of the window.
5) Changes have been made to the parameters passed for the IPTVArchive plugin in the serviceref line. Now there will be no "green crash" in OpenPli (and any images based on it) when quickly switching channels
6) When choosing the location of IPTV bouquets in favorites (top/bottom), their order is saved as it is specified in the list of providers
7) Simplified serviceref in created bouquets, as well as configuration files for parsing EPG. Throw away all extra (unused) data.

Fixed punctuation filter that is used to "normalize" the texts of the descriptions of programs in the EPG
p.s. Due to the changes described in paragraph 5) this version and all subsequent ones are only FULL compatible with the IPTVArchive plugin version 2.0.63 and all it subsequent versions ...