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Enigma 2 на AZBox HD
« : 12 Август 2013, 15:38:55 »
AzBox HD / Enigma2 PLI OpenAZBox MOD MEDIA CENTER HD-Release 6_AlonzoMOD-MC-6B       

With New Media Center Hello! (OAM AZBox HD 3.3.1 Release 5 ULK) AzBox HD MEDIA CENTER RTi Team OpenAzbox Alonzo MOD-1.0.0-MC-6B yaz?l?m?lar? below.

The most important feature AZPlayer Instead, I modified the existing interfaces AZBOX are organized according to him, AZBox Media plug-in is added. Moreover Media Player and Media scanner plug-ins (removed) was removed. other known characteristics, such as previous software, a user's first meet the minimum requirements, as almost everything is installed and / or configured plug-ins, and 42ETurksat 7E Eutelsat satellites all piconlar?n?n, 13E and 19.2E satellite piconlar?n? contain important and comprehensive sources Turkish. This is not a backup, modified, custom not add anything Azbox HDdispositivos completely clean and running very stable and robust OpenAzBox Pli-based software. Several photos are below

Спойлер   :

After installation, the file / etc in CCcam.cfg file copy, After installation, CCam.cfg coppy to file in the / etc.Carregar channel settings, restart the puzzle order. channel files, uploading, please Tuner configuration and restart CCcam Enigma.Nesta version 2.2.1 is active as a preset. Example loading screen. Software PingFlood keymap used. Tamb?mResolu??o AspectRatio function key, the TV / RADIO button, the TV was added to the radio function. 4/3 sources RESOLUTION (k, O) key, 16/9 resources, the blue key (k ey_Blue) ScalingModes use the plug-in. addition, the controller CHECK key Also, CamdManager menu can be found. This software applies to all models AZBoxHD. This version supported all models AZBoxHD. software below, take it easy.


How to change the name of the City "Weather"

\ Usr \ lib \ enigma2 \ python \ Components \ File Converter in WWeather.py, 14 (line 14) 84 where it says Holder type. example, written in 3036 to Madrid. Istanbul 84. tmp / directory Weather.xml a file (delete) to delete, then restart enigma.Acalme up

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Enigma 2 на AZBox HD
« Ответ #1 : 08 Июнь 2018, 00:14:51 »

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