Автор Тема: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)  (Прочитано 7910 раз)

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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #75 : 14 Ноябрь 2024, 19:39:07 »

1) Fixed occurrence of 'nwame' error in DEBUG logging mode when using template mode ​​​​
2) Unified the list of available folders for users to select/save files. The following folders are not available for users to choose: “/bin”, “/boot”, “/dev”, “/lib”, “/proc”, “/run”, “/sbin”, “/sys”, “/var”, “/usr”, “/picon”, “/piconlcd”. So you can't store your playlists in any of these folders, they won't be available for selection in the plugin menu
3) Small adjustments to the skins and display of various items in the plugin menu
4) Completely replaced and rewritten the code responsible for auto-selection of EPG “by similarity”. Now a faster mathematical algorithm for finding “similarity” is used (Jaro–Winkler similarity is used now instead of Damerau–Levenshtein distance), and you can specify the degree of search accuracy (not lower than the specified one) in percent in the playlist settings menu

Available range of similarity recognition accuracy from 75 to 100% (100% is an absolute match)
5) Minor changes in the code responsible for loading picons. The speed of processing and loading of picons is slightly increased.​
6) Added translations of all locales due to the above changes
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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #76 : 20 Ноябрь 2024, 17:58:27 »

1) Complete refactoring of the code responsible for auto-selecting descriptions from EPG.
2) Now you will have access to two of the fastest algorithms for finding “similarity” ... they are fundamentally different in terms of math, but give excellent results in terms of finding and evaluating “similarity”
a) Jaro-Winkler - excellent and fast for short strings (channel names)
b) TF-IDF​ - this “math” is what you encounter almost every day when you ask Uncle Google to find something you type into the search bar ... i.e. it is a basic algorithm that allows you to find documents (texts) that “that set of words” that you typed into the search bar is the “document/text” that you are looking for ... Works well and fast on large strings/texts (channel names)
c) auto - ​the plugin itself analyzes the length of the compared channel names and applies one of the available algorithms for each of the channel names
You can now combine “options” for auto-fit “similarity”, both in terms of speed and accuracy of results depending on your playlist and the EPG you are using​
3) Small changes in EPG import algorithm
4) Updated all locales related to changes in the plugin menu


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #77 : 21 Ноябрь 2024, 21:25:37 »

1) Added support for Python 3.13-based images
2) Minor edits to the Greek locale
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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #78 : 23 Декабрь 2024, 22:22:04 »

1) A small fix to the regexp of the M3U parser.​​
2) In playlists settings added the ability to set the number of threads to process/download picons.

Previously, their number was statically set and applied to all playlists similarly. Now you can “play” with this parameter for each playlist to achieve the best results in the processing speed. Be careful when selecting the value of this parameter. Increasing the number of processing threads does not always lead to qualitative improvements in processing/downloading performance
3) System settings concerning IPTV have been added to the plugin settings. They will be displayed in the plugin settings menu only if they are supported by the Enigma2 image you are using

​​Even if in your Rnigma2 image, these settings are in the testing and experimentation phase and may not always work correctly. These settings have been added for the future
4) Small code optimization was performed
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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #79 : 26 Декабрь 2024, 15:19:52 »

    1) Fixed crash when selecting the interval bouquet update method in plugin settings on any DreamOS-based image (my mistake, I accidentally “snagged” it when rearranging the code)
    2) Fixed EPG preferred language selection menu in playlist settings for GP4.2 image for DM ONE and TWO (possibly also for any other E2-images in which country flag icons are set in SVG format)
    3) In the preset filters selection menu for channel names the logic of impossibility of simultaneous selection of several filters is implemented

Simultaneously selecting two or more filters from a marked block defies any logic. Now it is impossible under any attempts of the user. Either one or none can be included.

4) Added check for python-multiprocessing module, if it is not present, it will be installed automatically. This module is used to implement multithreaded processing/loading of picons


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #80 : 29 Декабрь 2024, 18:58:47 »

1) In the playlists settings added an on/off option to add a marker with the channel group name at the beginning of the userbouquet list. This function works only if “Multibouquet” mode is enabled
You can now add/exclude this marker as you see fit in userbouquets created by plugin​​​​​


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #81 : 07 Январь 2025, 18:40:51 »

1) Optimized algorithm of threaded picon loading/checking. Now it works even faster and with less RAM consumption​​
2) In the individual mode of channel sorting added the ability to select sorting type by “tvg-chno” tag values. Sometimes there are playlists where this tag is set and in its values, the channel number is specified (as it is considered necessary or correct to set it by IPTV service provider).​​

In the red block on the screenshot above, the sorting order is according to the numbers specified in the tag “tvg-chno”, in the green block - all other channels in the group are in the order as they are specified in the playlist (these channels do not have the tag “tvg-chno” or its value is not set​)
3) Small changes to the log output code to make it more readable

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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #82 : 25 Январь 2025, 17:30:31 »
Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #83 : 02 Февраль 2025, 18:45:17 »

Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.
« Последнее редактирование: 03 Февраль 2025, 11:23:27 от nike v »


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #84 : 08 Февраль 2025, 15:59:37 »

1) Added an option to enable/disable full cleaning of EPG before import in the plugin's Settings menu.  May be useful in some cases. Please note that enabling this function clears all EPGs, not just those entries that were created by the plugin!​​​​​​
​2) Optimized EPG import code for all OE 2.0-2.5 “platforms”. Removed various “intermediate” classes in code.​
3) Updated Greek locale

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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #85 : 12 Февраль 2025, 10:11:51 »

Скрытый текстСкрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться ).
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #86 : 01 Март 2025, 17:43:32 »

1) Added support for EPG, m3u, etc. files packed in tar, tar.gz and tar.xz
2) Slight reorganization of the playlist settings menu​​​​
Люди не делятся на национальности, партии, фракции и религии. Люди делятся на умных и дебилов, а вот дебилы делятся на национальности, партии, фракции


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Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
« Ответ #87 : 08 Март 2025, 21:26:57 »
UPDATE 2.0.3

1) Fixed change of plugin settings storage path after installing additional HDD/USB and rebooting the receiver
2) Small changes in playlist and plugin settings menu