From @ Vasiliks
Downloading and running torrents, especially compatibility with Python 3 images
Where it was tested on the latest image Opatv 7.4
✦✦ Features ✦✦
✧ Support for watching series - movies - listening to songs
✧ search rutor (thanks zmej74!)
✧ Save up to 20 points when you stop watching
✧ Receive data from the TMDB website
✧ Delete torrent files from the database
✶✶ How to operate ✶✶
Enter the Plugin
✎ The blue Settings button is entered
✎ Then press the blue Check updates button again
✎ Run the server by pressing the yellow Start button
Make sure TorrServer Matrix is version 124

✎ Exit button
✎ Search via the green Search button
Yesterday at 20:22
From @ Vasiliks
Downloading and running torrents, especially compatibility with Python 3 images
Where it was tested on the latest image Opatv 7.4
✦✦ Features ✦✦
✧ Support for watching series - movies - listening to songs
✧ search rutor (thanks zmej74!)
✧ Save up to 20 points when you stop watching
✧ Receive data from the TMDB website
✧ Delete torrent files from the database
✶✶ How to operate ✶✶
Enter the Plugin
✎ The blue Settings button is entered
✎ Then press the blue Check updates button again
✎ Run the server by pressing the yellow Start button
Make sure TorrServer Matrix is version 124
✎ Exit button
✎ Search via the green Search button
☜ It will show everything that contains the search words that have been typed
☜ When you choose what you want and click on it... a menu will appear for you to choose
1- Add to torrent list
2 - Playback only
3 - Add to torrent list and play