Спутниковые HDTV/MPEG4 Ресиверы => ENIGMA 2 => Плагины для enigma 2 => Тема начата: Vicont от 09 Июль 2022, 14:35:04
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Vicont от 09 Июль 2022, 14:35:04
Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
UPDATE 1.0.65
Restored the functionality of customizing the generation of bouquets based on the override.xml template file
Название: Плагины для enigma 2
Отправлено: astraA4 от 02 Август 2022, 16:46:32
Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
UPDATE 1.0.69
1) The logic of working with "downloadable" files has been completely redesigned. There is no binding to the file name or its extension. Uploaded files are parsed based on a "magic number" and then the content is determined to be a valid XML structure. This solution allows using any links for XMLTV, for example,
http://example.com:8087/xmltv.php?username=USER&password=PASS http://example.com/api/xmltv.xml.7.2 http://example.com/epg.xml.gz?token=123456789 http://example.com/provider.epg http://example.com/epg.xmltv.gz http://example.com/epg.xmltv.xz http://example.com/epg.xmltv.zip http://example.com/EPG 2) Playing around with the epg.db wrapper code for a more stable import (for DreamOS images only!). Now you can even turn off the power "on the go" (during import) and no data will be lost or "corrupted" 3) Minor optimization of the m3u parser code 4) Minor logging changes
The configuration files generated by this version for EPGImport are not compatible with the original EPGImport code. In case of shared use, it is necessary to install my EPGImport MOD -
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: astraA4 от 19 Август 2022, 12:52:08
e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.70 (Mod Dorik1972)
1) Bouquet filenames generated by this plugin have been changed 2) Reorganized the structure of folders and files in the plugin data folder 3) Updated all libraries used by this plugin to the latest versions available for shared use in Python 2/3 4) Added support for the JTV format (PDT and NDX files) for the EPG. This EPG format is used by some local IPTV providers. It is also quite popular in Poland. Tested on the following sources:
Teleguideinfo__http://www.teleguide.info/download/new3/jtv.zip Iformula_______http://iformula.ru/IPTV/tvprogramm/jtv.zip Triolan________http://triolan.tv/App_Files/jtv.zip Matrixhome_____http://iptv.matrixhome.net/jtv/dn/epg_jtv.zip 2kom___________http://2kom.tv/jtv.zip Idcmd__________http://iptv.idc.md/files/jtv.zip Spark__________http://spark-tv.ru/jtv.zip Avianetwork____http://avianetwork.ru/tv_list/jtv.zip ProgramTV______http://programtv.ru/jtv.zip p.s. To upgrade to this version:
1) Backup config.xml from plugin data storage folder 2) Menu - Reset Bouquets - Yes 3) Install a new version of the plugin 4) Restore config.xml from backup 5) Create bouquets 6) Enjoy!
Thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 24 Август 2022, 21:48:14
UPDATE 1.0.71
1) Fixed remembering links in the "file://" scheme when entering from the virtual keyboard in the provider's card 2) Fixed/added the ability to "recognize" XML files in 'UTF-8-BOM' encoding. For example:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bebawy6/EPG/master/allEPG.xml 3) Fixed handling of XMLTVs packed in ZIP. Added a branding module to the installation packages, due to which the version did not work
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: kolllya от 29 Август 2022, 16:53:42
m3u2bouquet UPDATE 1.0.72
1) Fixed "database malformed" for DreamOS-based images. This error almost always occurred if you set "Start import EPG after loading bouquets" in the plugin settings. No more problems 2) Small reorganization of the code + added logging of what is happening =)
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Vicont от 02 Сентябрь 2022, 21:39:32
UPDATE 1.0.73 (DreamOS special edition)
1) The ability to select "eServiceStream" (8739:0:) player in the provider card has been fixed. Now this type of player is only available on images based on DreamOS versions >=4.4 2) Completely rewritten SQL-wrapper to interact with epg.db when updating EPG. Now everything works as it should 3) Updated Italian locale (special thanks for @mapi)
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 05 Сентябрь 2022, 19:15:20
UPDATE (DreamOS special edition part 2)
1) Changed SQLite server parameters on opening epg.db, thanks to which the speed of importing EPG events in new (fresh) epg.db has increased by 100% compared to the previous version (1.0.73) 2) Now only new events are added to the existing database, i.е. only those that are NOT in the existing EPG. Thanks to this logic, we have a 150-200% increase in the speed of importing events on the existing database compared to the previous version (1.0.73) 3) When "closing" the database after adding events, we do "VACUUM" which allows us to significantly reduce the size of the epg.db file, especially noticeable when the EPG file is > 100Mb 4) Fixed a theoretically possible error when adding an event with a short description (title) longer than 240 characters. Under certain circumstances, such events might not fall into the EPG database.
p.s. At the moment, the speed of importing XMLTV events on my DM900HD is almost comparable to the speed of importing the same events of the same XMLTV on VU + Ultimo4K
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 14 Сентябрь 2022, 23:10:47
UPDATE 1.0.74
1) A bunch of little things have been fixed due to which some of the events from XMLTV could not get into the EPG. 2) Added "analysis" of the validity of received events from XMLTV. Now any "garbage" that occurs due to errors in the formation of XMLTV by the provider does not get into the EPG. 3) The logic of the XMLTV parser has been completely changed... now we analyze one event ahead... which makes it possible to form the correct event tuples for a group of channels. Previously, events were parsed into the following "structure":
([service, service, ***], ((event), (event), (event), ***)) This allows the full use of the enigma.eEPGCache (epgcache.cpp) C code if it supports the ImportEvents method. For a group of channels, a group of events is now transmitted, and not just one event as before... As a result, on the nodes "programme" ordered by "channel" in XMLTV, we get an increase in the speed of importing events. 4) Parsing the values of all tags of the "programme" node in XMLTV is now done in "one pass". 5) Added support for "multi-language" XMLTV ... and not only in the XMLTV parser, but also in import to epg.db for DreamOS... Judging by the structure of the database (epg.db), this is clearly supported there (an analogy can be drawn with different audio tracks for the same broadcast). In OE versions<2.5 multilingual EPG is not supported and priority is given to events whose language matches the locale of your Enigma2 6) In SQL-wrapper (only for DreamOS) added "UPDATE" of event descriptions imported earlier ... For example: On Mon morning you imported EPG 3 days in advance and in it, for some channels, there were no descriptions, and on Mon evening - the provider updated its XMLTV and added descriptions ... so... now if you update the EPG again after that, for example on Tuesday morning, then the descriptions for existing events will be updated. 7) Returned back journal_mode = "DELETE" for SQLite. Now working with the SQL database is exactly the same as in the C code on DreamOS. 8 ) I changed the code so that I removed two files altogether... They turned out to be superfluous "crutches" ... Due to this, there is one less "intermediate" generator. 9) Added "pop-up" notifications... cool little stuff... will pop up in the upper right corner of the screen... 10) Fixed a bug with the appearance of channels marked as enabled="0" in the -diff-override.xml file in the "custom" sorting mode. 11) The logic of working with "hidden markers" has been completely removed. Now in userbouquets the strings "519:1" or "832:d" that are incomprehensible to many users will be removed.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nicoll от 20 Сентябрь 2022, 22:52:52
E2m3u2bouquet UPDATE 1.0.75
1) Fixed an annoying typo in the code that caused a crash when trying to save the log file 2) Minor changes to the XML iterator, giving a gain of 1-2 seconds for every 100,000 records processed 3) Slightly updated the design of the regular skin. More strict and concise. 4) The algorithm for auto-selection of EPG events by channel name has been redesigned. Now, if after preliminary analysis no exact match is found among the candidates, the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm for finding the greatest match based on an iterative version of the Wagner-Fischer algorithm is applied (this works if and only if the EPGurl link is set in the provider settings.) - Theory - Optimal Wagner-Fischer Algorithm For Approximate Strings Matching
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Vicont от 23 Сентябрь 2022, 17:57:06
UPDATE 1.0.76
Fixed "segmentation fault" error that occurred on DreamTWO (OE2.6) after importing EPG events ... Theoretically, it could also occur on other versions of OE ... but so far it has not manifested itself
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nicoll от 02 Октябрь 2022, 21:03:35
UPDATE 1.0.77
1) Fixed m3u playlist parsing error when using an automatic selection of EPG events by channel name, which sporadically occurred on some variants of m3u playlists 2) "Playing" with EPGImport code... Now the code is as compact as possible, as understandable as possible, and more "twisted"ly =) and works with the same import performance regardless of the logic used ... be it twisted.reactor.doRead or twisted.internet.threads.deferToThread . The speed of importing EPG events depends only on the performance of the processor of your SAT-box and the speed of reading / writing to the storage device (HDD / USB / Internal Flash) 3) Slightly supplemented and reorganized the output of logs for greater informational content of what is happening 4) Refreshed Italian locale
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 11 Октябрь 2022, 18:16:25
1) Fixed the appearance of the "names.client" error for images with the old or truncated twisted library (Merlin, Pure2, e.t.c.) 2) The functionality of xml_escape and xml_unescape for XML files has been completely rewritten. Instead of the previously used xml.sax.saxutils module, precompiled rules for regexp, and the name2codepoint module are now used. This increased both the speed and quality of processing. Often, the descriptions of programs in XMLTV contained HTML tags that got there due to poor parsing by the provider of HTML resources with descriptions of programs ... Now, thanks to name2codepoint, unescape of program descriptions is much cleaner and more accurate ... taking into account the unescape of all possible XML and HTML tags 3) For images with threads.deferToThread support (90% of existing images), no temporary files are almost ever created now. All operations for downloading and processing any data occur in the RAM-"pipe". Temporary files will be created automatically if and only if there is not enough free RAM to store and process data... moreover, they will be created on the media with the largest available free space. Information about available RAM and the amount of cached data is displayed in the log. Storage and processing in RAM - eliminates slow read/write operations on any media. Operations in RAM are a priori the fastest! 4) Any operations of parsing m3u or XML files are done on the basis of "generators". Generators in python are the fastest and least "gluttonous" functions both in terms of CPU and RAM resources
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 12 Октябрь 2022, 22:43:15
UPDATE 1.0.79
1) Fixed a memory leak when using the EPG event auto-detection algorithm by the channel name from the playlist (if the EPGurl link is set in the provider's card). This resulted in the overloading of some "weak" SAT-boxes on some providers 2) A part of the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm code has been slightly optimized... Now the "difference" of strings is searched much faster
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 29 Октябрь 2022, 10:09:04
UPDATE 1.0.80
1) Fixed crash log for VTi images 2) Slightly reworked the EPG auto-selection algorithm by channel name to improve the accuracy of its work 3) htmlentitydefs is included as a module and the plugin no longer requires this dependency to be installed 4) Once again, the algorithm for importing EPG events has been slightly redesigned. Fixed python bugs to work correctly with ZIP archived EPGs.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 30 Октябрь 2022, 13:32:55
[30/10/22 04:30GMT] Fixed parsing of EPG given in plain (not zipped) XML... redownload ... --force-reinstall
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 11 Ноябрь 2022, 20:23:56
UPDATE 1.0.81
1) Plugin menu icons changed. Minor changes in built-in skins 2) Changed how "available" RAM is determined to be compatible with older SatTop box (like DM7020HD) cores when importing EPG events 3) Fixed the ability to select the /etc and /home folders when specifying the location of the plugin configuration files 4) Partially modified log messages 5) Refreshed Italian locale (thx @mapi )
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Vicont от 26 Ноябрь 2022, 10:04:58
UPDATE 1.0.82
1) Added support for experimental (develop) images on Python 3.11 (OpenVision, OpenPli, e.t.c.) 2) Reorganization of code according to PEP8 requirements 3) Minor logging changes
p.s. Experimental images are not stable and contain many errors. Before installing the plugin on images based on Python 3.11, be sure to have the /usr/bin/@python symlink associated with python3.11 !!!
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 30 Ноябрь 2022, 11:26:14
Немного по другому переписал строку определения python в установочном скрипте ... Не на всех имиджах отрабатывало ... Теперь работает везде
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: shiko от 01 Декабрь 2022, 10:09:51
Плагин m3u2bouquet от Dorik1972 за 1-12-2022
В OpenPli (возможно и в других сборках), не отображаются emoji ... убрал из bash-скриптов и перезалил пакеты ... теперь не будет emoji на любых сборках имиджей и не будет сыпать "мусором" в консоль на имиджах где их и так нет
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Vicont от 11 Декабрь 2022, 14:00:26
UPDATE 1.0.83
Minor changes in client IP detection
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 13 Декабрь 2022, 10:35:00
1) Increased user IP detection time. 2) Changed the request for obtaining ISO693-3 codes for DreamOS-based images
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: EDUARD1969 от 16 Декабрь 2022, 07:21:57
UPDATE 1.0.83 . не рабочие !!!!! UPDATE 1.0.82 всё отлично.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Root от 22 Декабрь 2022, 10:05:39
UPDATE 1.0.84
1) Fix for BlackHole 3.0.x images 2) A small change in the EPG importer code part
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Марат от 02 Январь 2023, 09:44:59
UPDATE 1.0.86
Fixed the "dimension" of the value of the dvb_event_id parameter when adding epg.db entries in DreamOS . Descriptions of future events will now be displayed in the "EPG Selection" skin on any DreamOS images
p.s. I strongly recommend that you delete the existing epg.db database on DreamOS before generating bouquets/EPG
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Joker от 05 Февраль 2023, 09:32:29
UPDATE 1.0.87
1) Slightly optimized date parsing algorithm in XMLTV 2) Added filters for normalizing punctuation marks, various unicode characters that in most images are not displayed in skins, double spaces, various html-tags e.t.c. when parsing XMLTV data 3) Added check of "if-modified-since"/"Last-Modified" headers when processing channels picons. Now if the picon file has changed on the provider's server, it will be re-downloaded (This option increases m3u parsing time, not critical, but it does increase. It all depends on the number of picons and the speed of your Internet connection. If you do not need to constantly check for picons file changes- just "off" - "Download picons" after you have downloaded them once) 4) In the "custom" sorting mode, the ability to change the "player" for individual channels, other than the default one for the provider, has been added. To do this, you need to set its numeric value for the "reftypeOverride" tag in the template file (-override.xml) of your provider. The following values are allowed: 5001 (gstplayer), 5002 (exteplayer3), 4097 (gstreamer), 1 (dvb). Replacing the "player" (reftype) will work if and only if the player you specified is installed in the image you use For example:
<channel name="Eurosport 1 HD" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" enabled="1" reftypeOverride="5001"/> p.s. If you used *-override.xml before and don't want to re-create it for the current change, just convert it with sed
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 23 Февраль 2023, 09:33:56
UPDATE 1.0.88
1) The range of unicode characters filtered in the names of groups, channels, and descriptions has been expanded ... Many E2 images simply do not display all sorts of "hearts", "tambourines", "diamonds" and other "garbage". Therefore, "filtering" all 2) Optimized the check "whether the picons have changed on the provider server" ... now it works a little faster ... 3) Removed the output in the message log when redefining the player 4) Slightly optimized the m3u parser code and -sort-override so that there are fewer string conversions from str to unicode and vice versa .. now, regardless of the python version, we always get "str" when parsing and work with this data type 5) A little speeded up the EPG parser .... but it gives a speed increase only on python 3.11-based E2 Images ... on the rest, it will remain as it was
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 15 Март 2023, 08:25:15
E2m3u2bouquet UPDATE 1.89
1) Исправлены самопроизвольные зависания и прерывание импорта событий при импорте EPG у некоторых пользователей
2) Исправлено отображение заданных значений в карточке провайдера при изменении параметров плеера (exteplayer3, gstplayer)
3) Тщательно переписан код EPGImport. Более агрессивная экономия оперативной памяти. Код максимально асинхронный. Добавлено дополнительное логирование любых нестандартных ситуаций и текущих действий.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 11 Апрель 2023, 12:31:37
[Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet UPDATE 1.0.90
1) Fixed all the shortcomings, errors, and inaccuracies known at the time of publication of this version, which was published by users on various forums and in personal correspondence with me 2) Completely redesigned plugin GUI. All settings are now available in the "Configuration" menu. The "Configuration" menu has been significantly improved and provides various options for "fine" tuning the plugin to suit your desires 3) Algorithm of "serviceref" formation has been changed to meet the wishes of users when using "-sort-override" templates ... I strongly recommend that you delete the picons created by this plugin and the epg.dat file before installing this version 4) This version is "Donationware" ... The basic functionality of the plugin, starting from this version, is limited to the ability to use the plugin with one provider and create bouquets containing no more than 300 channels. Everyone who has made a donation (ever) to the development will receive a key file that removes any restrictions
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 11 Апрель 2023, 19:48:40
p.s. [11/04/23 14:59 GMT] Fix Fixed typo in 1080p skin
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 22 Апрель 2023, 19:49:01
Плагин e2m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972) UPDATE 1.0.92
1) Fixed file selection for OpenATV 7.0 2) The menu in the provider card has been reorganized. Added all locale translations 3) Removed plugin dependency on OpenWebIf plugin and creation of configuration files for CrossEPG and EPGImport. The plugin can work with EPG by itself much better than the listed plugins and does not require additional "crutches" ... Moreover, the rejection of support for CrossEPG configuration files allows us to work with https directly and avoid unnecessary additional EPG downloads using the https scheme. 4) Removing the dependency on OpenWebIf allows the plugin to be used on very ancient receivers (such as GI S8120, U2C S+mini, GI HD Slim 2+, etc.) with very early (or very "custom") versions of E2 images, in which there is simply no OpenWebIf. 5) Removed obligatory dependency on PIL (Python Imaging Library) ... Now if you don't have it in your image, you can still download channel piсons. 6) For users using -sort-override.xml templates, when new channels appear in the provider's broadcasting grid, in addition to diff-override, a bouquet will be created with "new" channels for channels that are not in the template ... This bouquet will be created until the user moves new channels from diff-override to the right place in the sort-override template 7) The ability to override tvg-id has been added to the sort-override template ... To do this, you need to set the channel id value you need in tvgidOverride , similar to nameOverride or reftypeOverride A few other code optimizations... and the removal of previously used python dependencies
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: astraA4 от 23 Апрель 2023, 16:46:51
p.s. [23/04/23 09:00 GMT] A small update "on fly"... Added a preliminary check for the presence (accessibility) of links (files) of the m3u source before starting any "manipulations" on "download", "parsing", etc... if the source is not available, then display "arrividerci" (it) to the log and proceed to the processing of the next provider in the list without any "delays" .... use --force-reinstall to upgrade already existing version
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 27 Апрель 2023, 13:30:07
1) Updated and fixed IT, RU locales
2) A small fix in determining the "availability" of playlists specified in the provider settings
3) Minor reorganization of plugin menu code
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 19 Май 2023, 17:51:34
UPDATE 1.0.93
1) Fixed saving the menu item "New broadcasts" in the provider's card for displaying new channels in the form of a bouquet when using sort-override templates. 2) For the channels of the "New broadcasts" bouquet, when using the sort-override templates, an EPG is now generated like for any other groups. Channels picon are also downloaded. 3) Fixed the configuration menu item to set the storage path of picons other than the default one for images without the PIL library 4) Significantly simplifies and reorganized provider card menu items. Removed all little-used or incomprehensible items for the user. Each item has a clear description in the helpline at the bottom of the window. 5) Changes have been made to the parameters passed for the IPTVArchive plugin in the serviceref line. Now there will be no "green crash" in OpenPli (and any images based on it) when quickly switching channels 6) When choosing the location of IPTV bouquets in favorites (top/bottom), their order is saved as it is specified in the list of providers 7) Simplified serviceref in created bouquets, as well as configuration files for parsing EPG. Throw away all extra (unused) data. Fixed punctuation filter that is used to "normalize" the texts of the descriptions of programs in the EPG
p.s. Due to the changes described in paragraph 5) this version and all subsequent ones are only FULL compatible with the IPTVArchive plugin version 2.0.63 and all it subsequent versions ...
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Mika от 21 Май 2023, 22:20:03
UPDATE 1.0.94
1) Fixed an issue with handling unrealistically huge playlists with 500,000+ entries... Now, the size of the giant playlists processed by the plugin is limited only by the amount of free space on the storage device (HDD/USD/InternalFlash) 2) Refreshed IT locale
p.s. Changes in the code according to item 1) also apply to old receivers on sh4 architecture (mipsle) working on old images (like Pli4) in terms of processing any playlists ... but to expect high speed from MIPS architecture is a utopia
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 26 Май 2023, 17:46:46
E2m3u2bouquet UPDATE 1.0.95
1) Fixed initialization of template file -sort-override (in its very first creation from scratch) 2) Fixed import of EPG events and picons for -sort-override users in 'All-in-one' mode for 'New broadcasts' 3) Reorganized bouquet refresh mode. Now the refresh occurs after the generation of bouquets for each of the providers, and not once for all as in previous versions 4) Added handling of HTTP errors 520, 526, etc. arising from providers working through CloudFlare 5) Completely eliminated the ability to start importing playlists until all previous tasks have been completed 6) Fixed crash on DreamOS-based images Merlin, Gemini, etc. due to the impossibility of saving settings when reloading (rebooting) the image 7) Small changes in the log output
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 28 Май 2023, 13:58:20
E2m3u2bouquet UPDATE
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: astraA4 от 16 Июнь 2023, 15:31:57
1) Small additions to the Unicode character filter for m3u playlists parser 2) Fixed work with OpenVision images.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: astraA4 от 01 Июль 2023, 12:09:19
UPDATE 1.0.97
1) Fix for 'utf-8-bom' encoded m3u-playlists 2) Added parsing of 'streamlink://' entries for the streamwrapper plugin and 'http://localhost:port/' of the Streamlinksrv or Streamlinkproxy plugins in m3u playlists 3) ONLY FOR PYTHON3-based images! Added support for full compatibility with Streamlinkproxy plugin and the ability to generate any bouquets for proxying broadcasts with this plugin. This option will appear in the "provider card" after installing the Streamlinkproxy plugin (C) Dorik.
p.s. Attached is a test playlist for use with the Streamlinkproxy plugin. Some broadcasts in it are geo-referenced and may not work in your region
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 22 Июль 2023, 12:39:57
1) Minor fix for a crash that occurred when trying to save the log to a file
p.s. Update for Streamlink proxy plugin !
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Root от 30 Июль 2023, 21:35:45
UPDATE 1.0.98
1) Minor improvements in the algorithm for auto-selection of events from EPG by channel name (automatically used if you have specified a link to the EPG source in the provider's card). Now it works 10-15% faster than before 2) Changes have been made to the formation of comments for channel names and groups containing consecutive "-" characters in xml files. Now everything works without errors the same for xml.etree or lxml.etree ... There will be no more errors in the log if the name of the channel or group in the used playlist, for example, is "--Music----" or "--CINEMA------" etc.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: kolllya от 04 Август 2023, 10:36:26
1) Fixed Python2-Python3 code compatibility when using the algorithm for auto-selecting events from EPG by channel name (Error: sequence must be integer not 'slice' ) 2) Slight modification of regexp in the m3u-playlist parsing algorithm
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 07 Октябрь 2023, 20:47:18
1.0.99 !!! ВНИМАНИЕ !!!
Перед установкой этой версии необходимо выбрать в плагине пункт меню "Сбросить букеты", чтобы удалить ранее созданные букеты, и только после этого устанавливать это обновление... Также очень желательно удалить все файлы пиконов, созданные предыдущими версиями плагина. плагин, используя маску «*1010101*». Это может значительно сэкономить место на вашем устройстве хранения данных, где хранятся файлы изображений.
1) Внесены изменения во избежание различных сбоев при импорте EPG в образ OpenATV.
2) Внесены изменения в алгоритм генерации serviceref в букетах, созданных этим плагином.
3) Исправлен сбой, возникающий при автоматической прокрутке журнала на изображениях OpenBH 5.1+.
4) Немного изменены скины плагина для разных разрешений экрана. Все скины приведены к единому виду для всех моих плагинов (E2m3u2bouquet, IPTVArchive, HistoryZap)
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 11 Октябрь 2023, 09:53:45
Также очень желательно удалить все файлы пиконов, созданные предыдущими версиями плагина, используя маску «*1010101*». Это может значительно сэкономить место на вашем устройстве хранения данных, где хранятся файлы изображений.
1) Внесены изменения в алгоритм генерации serviceref в букетах, созданных этим плагином, чтобы на 100% предотвратить дублирование serviceref в юзербукетах.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 10 Январь 2024, 07:09:22
!!! ВНИМАНИЕ !!! Перед установкой этой версии необходимо зайти в меню «Сбросить букеты» в плагине. Это приведет к удалению только пользовательских букетов, созданных этим плагином.
1) Исправлена ошибка с невозможностью выбора ключевого файла на изображениях Egami.
2) Шаг назад в именовании файлов пользовательских букетов. Вернули прежние имена файлов из-за неоднократных запросов пользователей на юзербукеты, созданные этим плагином. Сделано для совместимости с другими плагинами, в которых строго установлен обязательный префикс "userbouquet" и суффикс "key" в именах пользовательских букетов.
3) Исправлена оптимизация загружаемых пиктограмм для OpenATV 7.4... бага больше нет
4) Незначительные изменения кода с учетом пожеланий различных пользователей.
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 25 Январь 2024, 09:47:10
UPDATE 1.3 1) Added support for Python 3.12-based images
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 08 Март 2024, 21:30:13
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 15 Март 2024, 20:13:00
UPDATE 1.4.1
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 21 Март 2024, 11:34:47
UPDATE 1.4.2
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 28 Март 2024, 10:46:47
1) Added functionality for custom sorting playlist groups in its settings using the remote control. 2) The texts of all menus and descriptions of their purpose in any settings menu (plugin settings, playlist settings, etc.) have been completely redesigned. 3) Locales updated. Many thanks to all users for translations into their native language. 4) Fixed various minor bugs reported by users.
p.s. When using the plugin and its various settings items, be sure to read the helper descriptions at the bottom of the windows for each item. These descriptions are made specifically for users to understand the functionality of the plugin. More time was spent on creating and translating these texts than on writing code . Don't be shy - read them!
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 03 Апрель 2024, 21:09:45
UPDATE 1.5.1
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 13 Апрель 2024, 17:54:11
UPDATE v1.5.2
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 15 Апрель 2024, 18:52:27
UPDATE v1.5.3
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 16 Апрель 2024, 16:37:13
UPDATE 1.5.4
1) Fixed inability to select picon storage path in plugin settings... My mistake... annoying typo
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 26 Апрель 2024, 19:24:39
UPDATE 1.6 thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 28 Апрель 2024, 07:16:05
UPDATE 1.6.1
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 04 Май 2024, 10:58:28
thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 06 Май 2024, 12:49:30
UPDATE 1.7.1
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 17 Май 2024, 11:53:44
UPDATE 1.7.2
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Root от 04 Июнь 2024, 14:30:17
UPDATE 1.7.3
1) The M3U playlist parser function has been redesigned as a "generator". This allows to significantly save RAM, and eliminate Enigma2 reactor freezes when processing huge playlists 2) Calling the "Reset Bouquets" item from the main menu now deletes both favorites created by this plugin and channel icons ever downloaded by this plugin. Previously, only favorites were deleted 3) Added support for links with HTTP basic authorization when importing EPG data. We are talking about links to XMLTV in this format
http://piter:qwwerty@www.service.com/epg/xmltv/epg.xml.gz 4) Minor changes in plugin code and EPG importer to support "prehistoric" images and receivers ... For example, Chinese VU+ clones with OpenPli4 5) Fixed a bug with the inability to select files from the root directory (playlists, key-file, etc.) 6) Added Bulgarian menu localization
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 06 Июнь 2024, 09:38:26
UPDATE 1.7.4
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 08 Июнь 2024, 08:04:25
UPDATE 1.7.5
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 12 Июнь 2024, 08:05:54
UPDATE 1.7.6
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 21 Июнь 2024, 07:44:28
UPDATE 1.7.7
tnx pepsik
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 07 Июль 2024, 19:18:55
UPDATE 1.7.8
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: amator от 12 Август 2024, 23:57:38
UPDATE 1.8.0
1) Added the ability to use "preset" filters for channels in playlist settings. Various combinations are available for you to use. This may be useful for users with older non-UHD receivers. to automatically exclude UHD channels when creating bouquets. The last filter I made for myself I, for example, do not watch SD versions of channels if they are in HD or UHD(4K) and this allows me to exclude SD channels if they have HD or UHD versions.
2) Minor code reorganization and optimization due to the changes made
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 17 Август 2024, 13:23:25
UPDATE 1.8.1
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 18 Август 2024, 10:09:53
UPDATE 1.8.2
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: sogaz от 13 Сентябрь 2024, 20:09:11
UPDATE 1.8.3
1) Small code optimization 2) In the playlist settings in “Bouquets customization”-“Customize of channels in bouquets” a filter for swapping the playback player type has been added. Substitution is possible by specifying regex either for channel names or for links to broadcasts
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nicoll от 21 Сентябрь 2024, 09:42:23
UPDATE 1.8.4
1) In EPG import customization in playlist settings, added option to select preferred language for multi-language EPGs (XMLTV)
The algorithm will try to find in the used EPG descriptions of programs and their titles in the language specified by you, if they are not available, the EPG data in English will be taken by default, if they are not available - it will be used data in the first of the found languages will be used
p.s. Below is a screenshot of what multi-language EPGs (XMLTV) look like in “real life”. This is a screenshot of the EPG “content” of one of the IPTV providers
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 09 Октябрь 2024, 18:11:47
UPDATE 1.8.5
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Root от 12 Октябрь 2024, 20:59:34
UPDATE 1.8.6
1) A slight adjustment to the Greek locale 2) Added “Speedtest” menu item, using which you can get full information about your Internet connection
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: sogaz от 15 Октябрь 2024, 17:36:31
UPDATE 1.8.7
1) Fixed crash when calling bouquets update by “green” button from main menu on DreamOS-based images 2) Сorrected Italian locale 3) Small changes in “Speedtest” logic, now the timeout time for “Speedtest” is taken from the plugin settings. This makes it possible to use this menu item in case of a horrible internet connection (like DSL in Greece)
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 19 Октябрь 2024, 10:18:41
UPDATE 1.8.8
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Root от 03 Ноябрь 2024, 14:46:46
UPDATE 1.8.9
1) Fixed Italian locale 2) Fixed M3U parser to support the “#EXTVLCOPT:http-referrer=” directive. You can now use playlists with this tag, but only with exteplayer3. Only, this player works correctly with the “Referer” HTTP header. 3) Small changes to the main menu code. Now you can get to the playlists by pressing the “menu” button on the remote control
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 07 Ноябрь 2024, 09:00:28
UPDATE 1.9.0 thanks Dorik1972
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Joker от 14 Ноябрь 2024, 19:39:07
1) Fixed occurrence of 'nwame' error in DEBUG logging mode when using template mode 2) Unified the list of available folders for users to select/save files. The following folders are not available for users to choose: “/bin”, “/boot”, “/dev”, “/lib”, “/proc”, “/run”, “/sbin”, “/sys”, “/var”, “/usr”, “/picon”, “/piconlcd”. So you can't store your playlists in any of these folders, they won't be available for selection in the plugin menu 3) Small adjustments to the skins and display of various items in the plugin menu 4) Completely replaced and rewritten the code responsible for auto-selection of EPG “by similarity”. Now a faster mathematical algorithm for finding “similarity” is used (Jaro–Winkler similarity is used now instead of Damerau–Levenshtein distance), and you can specify the degree of search accuracy (not lower than the specified one) in percent in the playlist settings menu
Available range of similarity recognition accuracy from 75 to 100% (100% is an absolute match) 5) Minor changes in the code responsible for loading picons. The speed of processing and loading of picons is slightly increased. 6) Added translations of all locales due to the above changes
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 20 Ноябрь 2024, 17:58:27
UPDATE 1.9.2
1) Complete refactoring of the code responsible for auto-selecting descriptions from EPG. 2) Now you will have access to two of the fastest algorithms for finding “similarity” ... they are fundamentally different in terms of math, but give excellent results in terms of finding and evaluating “similarity” a) Jaro-Winkler - excellent and fast for short strings (channel names) b) TF-IDF - this “math” is what you encounter almost every day when you ask Uncle Google to find something you type into the search bar ... i.e. it is a basic algorithm that allows you to find documents (texts) that “that set of words” that you typed into the search bar is the “document/text” that you are looking for ... Works well and fast on large strings/texts (channel names) c) auto - the plugin itself analyzes the length of the compared channel names and applies one of the available algorithms for each of the channel names You can now combine “options” for auto-fit “similarity”, both in terms of speed and accuracy of results depending on your playlist and the EPG you are using 3) Small changes in EPG import algorithm 4) Updated all locales related to changes in the plugin menu
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: sogaz от 21 Ноябрь 2024, 21:25:37
UPDATE 1.0.93
1) Added support for Python 3.13-based images 2) Minor edits to the Greek locale
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: sogaz от 23 Декабрь 2024, 22:22:04
UPDATE 1.9.4
1) A small fix to the regexp of the M3U parser. 2) In playlists settings added the ability to set the number of threads to process/download picons.
Previously, their number was statically set and applied to all playlists similarly. Now you can “play” with this parameter for each playlist to achieve the best results in the processing speed. Be careful when selecting the value of this parameter. Increasing the number of processing threads does not always lead to qualitative improvements in processing/downloading performance 3) System settings concerning IPTV have been added to the plugin settings. They will be displayed in the plugin settings menu only if they are supported by the Enigma2 image you are using
Even if in your Rnigma2 image, these settings are in the testing and experimentation phase and may not always work correctly. These settings have been added for the future 4) Small code optimization was performed
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: 133048 от 26 Декабрь 2024, 15:19:52
UPDATE 1.9.5
1) Fixed crash when selecting the interval bouquet update method in plugin settings on any DreamOS-based image (my mistake, I accidentally “snagged” it when rearranging the code) 2) Fixed EPG preferred language selection menu in playlist settings for GP4.2 image for DM ONE and TWO (possibly also for any other E2-images in which country flag icons are set in SVG format) 3) In the preset filters selection menu for channel names the logic of impossibility of simultaneous selection of several filters is implemented
Simultaneously selecting two or more filters from a marked block defies any logic. Now it is impossible under any attempts of the user. Either one or none can be included.
4) Added check for python-multiprocessing module, if it is not present, it will be installed automatically. This module is used to implement multithreaded processing/loading of picons
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Жирный от 29 Декабрь 2024, 18:58:47
UPDATE 1.9.6
1) In the playlists settings added an on/off option to add a marker with the channel group name at the beginning of the userbouquet list. This function works only if “Multibouquet” mode is enabled Спойлер You can now add/exclude this marker as you see fit in userbouquets created by plugin
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 07 Январь 2025, 18:40:51
UPDATE 1.9.7
1) Optimized algorithm of threaded picon loading/checking. Now it works even faster and with less RAM consumption 2) In the individual mode of channel sorting added the ability to select sorting type by “tvg-chno” tag values. Sometimes there are playlists where this tag is set and in its values, the channel number is specified (as it is considered necessary or correct to set it by IPTV service provider).
In the red block on the screenshot above, the sorting order is according to the numbers specified in the tag “tvg-chno”, in the green block - all other channels in the group are in the order as they are specified in the playlist (these channels do not have the tag “tvg-chno” or its value is not set) 3) Small changes to the log output code to make it more readable
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 25 Январь 2025, 17:30:31
UPDATE 1.9.8
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 02 Февраль 2025, 18:45:17
UPDATE 1.9.9
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: tu134 от 08 Февраль 2025, 15:59:37
UPDATE 2.0.0
1) Added an option to enable/disable full cleaning of EPG before import in the plugin's Settings menu. May be useful in some cases. Please note that enabling this function clears all EPGs, not just those entries that were created by the plugin! 2) Optimized EPG import code for all OE 2.0-2.5 “platforms”. Removed various “intermediate” classes in code. 3) Updated Greek locale
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: nike v от 12 Февраль 2025, 10:11:51
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Joker от 01 Март 2025, 17:43:32
UPDATE 2.0.2
1) Added support for EPG, m3u, etc. files packed in tar, tar.gz and tar.xz 2) Slight reorganization of the playlist settings menu
Название: Плагин m3u2bouquet (Мод от Dorik1972)
Отправлено: Дигидон от 08 Март 2025, 21:26:57
UPDATE 2.0.3
1) Fixed change of plugin settings storage path after installing additional HDD/USB and rebooting the receiver 2) Small changes in playlist and plugin settings menu