- OE update - FFmpeg 4.4 update - Enable more gstreamer plugins - servicemp3: Install more gstreamer-plugins for normal images - So many packages upgraded and added to the feeds, thanks to OE-A - gst-ifdsrc fixed (won't work for gstreamer < 1.x) - busybox: Enable flock applet, fixes user/groupadd by petrkr - New version of extrawlan qca6174 and rt8822bu - Vu+ kernel and driver updates - Edision 4K kernel 5.12 - So many skin fixes by norhap - OWIF for Open Vision (supports GCC and Glibc version show)
Enigma2: - Module layout detection revamped by IanSav - First use of isPluginExtensionInstalled and isSystemPluginInstalled API, thanks to jbleyel - SystemInfo.py: Create data access methods by IanSav (API change) - More use of fileReadLine and fileWriteLine API - Directories.py revamped by IanSav (performance improvements) - About.py huge cleanup by IanSav - Information.py: GCC and Glibc versions added by IanSav - Lcd.py crash fixes - Add opkg clean option (configurable) before opkg update
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Марат от 23 Май 2021, 15:44:16
- OpenPLi 8.0Star by Japhar Team, May 17th 2021 - Python 2.7.18 - GStreamer 1.18.3 - EPGImport Built-in - AC3+/DDP/EAC3 support - Feeds online (For Wifi/DVB-T Dongles) - DVB-T USB, Trial Tuner, from JAM (Hauppauge, A867, etc) - Wifi Realtek, Ralink, Mediatek Supported - IPTV Support with Built-in 1300 Free To Air FREE IPTV Channels from their broadcaster 100+ VoD Free To Air Public Domain Movies and more coming soon (Charlot, Keaton, etc) - JAM 5.3 built-in (Plugins/Addons) - Original Sim/Chip Required - Support by Japhar Team
MEGA Original DM820HD :
sps - toysoft
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: astraA4 от 18 Июль 2021, 11:09:18
OpEnATV 7.0 DM 820 HD
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: nicoll от 31 Июль 2021, 14:06:00
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: astraA4 от 11 Август 2021, 10:54:14
Maybe someone has already noticed. With the latest update from GeminiBluePanel there is now a message (new GP). We would like to thank you for introducing the new GP4.2. From the surface, not too much has changed, but under the "hood" a lot is new, which justifies a new version control. We recommend a brand new installation of current image + GP4.2 as per WIKI. The GP4.2 is fully Designed for streaming. Almost all power providers can simply use Remote control can be added to the channel list. In addition, you can easily assign an online EPG to the streams or DVB channels. Most functions are realized via Dreamnetcast or implemented via the menu in the channel list. Dreamnetcast is now modularly built. Programmers can add additional APIs or playlists as LIBs for Dreamnetcast. Dreamnetcast brings the following LIBs. Laut.fm, Radio Browser and YouTube. Many Additional LIBs can be installed via AddonManager. The favorite leaderboard in Dreamnetcast has been greatly expanded. There are now 7 favorite folders, for example for series or live broadcasts. The electronic EPG can: be extended by the user with own sources. An example is the /etc/enigma2/netcastepg_gemini.json file. Please save your own sources in a new file named "/etc/enigma2/netcastepg_wasauchimmer.json". Otherwise are available in many plugins, fixes and partially new features join. There will be no more updates for GP4.1. Who is now afraid because of his "old" Dreambox ... GP4.2 is available for all MIPSEL, ARMHF and ARM64 boxes. If you do not want to upload a new image, as suggested above, continue as follows. AddonManager->Gemini Plugins->gemini feed updater. Install the package. After a reboot back into AddonManager and perform a full upgrade. In the current Enigma even some streams will not be problem free But improvement is on the way. Latest Gemini 4.2 OE2.6 Images with kodi19 feed
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: nicoll от 23 Март 2023, 21:00:10
OpenPLi 12.2 2023.03.23
-GCC 12.2.0 -Glibc 2.37 -GStreamer 1.22.0-r0 -Python 3.11.2 -OpenSSL 3.0.8-r0.1 -Busybox 1.36.0-r0.2 and more.
Thanks audi06_19
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Gerakl от 25 Март 2023, 10:05:14
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Vicont от 14 Май 2023, 23:07:09
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: tu134 от 12 Июнь 2023, 09:14:24
OpenPLi Release by OpenPLi Team, June 11th, 2023 - Python 3.9.9 - GStreamer 1.20.5 - FFMpeg 5.1.2 and Exteplayer3, ServiceApp - EPGImport Built-in - AC3+/DDP/EAC3 support - Feeds online (For Wifi/DVB-T Dongles) - DVB-T USB, Trial Tuner, from JAM (Hauppauge, A867, etc) - Wifi Realtek, Ralink, Mediatek Supported - IPTV Support with Built-in 1300 Free To Air FREE IPTV Channels from their broadcaster 100+ VoD Free To Air Public Domain Movies and more coming soon (Charlot, Keaton, etc) - JAM 5.3 built-in (Plugins/Addons)
sps - toysoft
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: shiko от 21 Сентябрь 2023, 17:23:02
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Gerakl от 15 Январь 2024, 11:56:56
есть кто пробовал на своём ресе? у меня не работает плагин OpenWebif , я пользую опен имиджи в мультибуте -барри аллен, ставить во флеш не хочу и не буду .Отписал автору audi06_19 обещал помочь.
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: tu134 от 16 Апрель 2024, 16:59:06
Update v7.3 14.04.2024
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Root от 09 Май 2024, 19:50:06
TeamBlue 7.2 Images for DreamBox 820
Image building by Atef
Название: Dreambox DM820HD
Отправлено: Mika от 04 Октябрь 2024, 17:40:07